Social Media Vocabulary: Hot Social Sites With An Artsy Feel

There are a few sites right now you may have heard of, but a couple are pretty new so we’re featuring them this week in social media vocabulary. If you ever wanted a great way to visually collect interests and things on the web you think are awesome, try out one of these sites, they…

Social Media Vocabulary: Google+ Edition

If you have been wandering aimlessly around Google Plus wondering what all these oddly named things are, that’s good because today’s social media vocabulary is here to help out. Here are 5 Google Plus related vocab words to get familiar with! Circles: The first thing you will notice when you start with Google+ are the circles. These…

Social Media Vocabulary: Measure Your Social Influence

It’s no secret that search is going is social. Influence in social media is already a part of what drives page ranking at Google and Bing. We’ve written about different ways to measure your own influence in social media on a few occasions, but things change fast. There are more great tools out there than…

Social Media Vocabulary: The Bird Is The Word

There’s no question that the internet and social media are reshaping our vocabulary on a daily basis. Even the Oxford Dictionary is getting with the times. Just last week they introduced ZOMG and Twittersphere to a growing list of new words with a decidedly tech and social feel.

In honor of this, Salty Waffle’s social media vocabulary edition for today will take a look at 5 words recently admitted the Oxford Dictionary. You can now officially use these without the annoying red squigly line popping up below! (…like it did on squigly…)

ZOMG: An enthusiastic version of OMG, slang for the phrase ‘oh my god’. Used to portray excitement or shock, can be used in any sense that the phrase ‘oh my god’ applies to. The Z is though to have originated from[…]

Social Media Vocabulary: Captcha My Memeing?

Another Tuesday, another list of strange words that are crawling around the social media world. Check these out and make a stop by the Salty Waffle social media vocabulary page for even more! Meme: (internet meme) any idea that is spread through the web. This can be a hyperlink, video, update, really anything that spreads through the internet. Captcha: Captcha is…

Social Media Vocabulary: The 5 Top Web Hosting Services

If you tried to visit us earlier today and were greeted by an ugly error message, we’re sorry. We had some hosting related issues and our customer service experience with our provider was less than stellar. Hosting is hugely important and since it’s so appropriate today, our social media vocabulary day will give you the…

Social Media Vocabulary: Trolls and Widgets

At Salty Waffle, we are incredibly stoked to tell you all that we are still number one on Google for searches on ‘social media vocabulary’! We love talking social media and translating for some of you out there so this is really awesome to us. Enjoy this week’s edition!

1. Troll: There are some pretty rough definitions for so-called trolls out there, but basically a troll is a person that just really hates what you have to say and dedicates an unusual amount of time to… […]

Social Media Vocabulary: Eye Rest and Linkbait

This week for social media vocabulary, we have 5 more strange words. Who knew astroturfing had anything to do with social media? As always, let us know if there are words you hear and would like an explanation on! Akismet: Akismet is our friend. It is a little bot application that filters spam comments from…