What Does It Really Mean To ‘Do Social Media’?

“Social media tests the filter that divides inner monologue from disclosure. As our thoughts become words online, they color our avatars and profiles with a glimpse of our personality – who we are online and in the real world. Over time, it is how we put our words into action that establishes our character. And,…

Social Media Sites Drive Traffic, And They’re Free

It may not be a huge surprise that Facebook and Twitter are the social media sites responsible for driving a majority of traffic to blogs, but it’s astounding just how dominant they are in the space. Every year, Technorati does their State of the Blogosphere study which surveys thousands of bloggers. Trends since even last year are…

Social Media Vocabulary: Authenticity Is Awesome

Every once in a while, someone or something will remind me to go back to speaking English. At Salty Waffle, we are immersed in the world of social media classes and we talk like it, especially with each other. Sometimes it takes some blank stares and funny looks to remind me that our vocabulary is…

The Power Of Thanks In Social Media And Life

Your parents always told you, remember ‘please and thank you’. Well, it turns out it isn’t just for the sake of others and good manners, but its also good for your health, your business, and your social media efforts. For a long time we have known that saying thank you strengthens relationships, improves mood, and…

To Infinity and Beyond: Creating Your ‘Mini-Manifesto’

As I sit here in my room, trying to remain productive I keep getting status updates, tweets, and even a text or two mentioning the new Toy Story and just how amazing it is. Being as I haven’t seen it yet, I am growing increasingly jealous of what seems to be every other person in…

Social Media Vocabulary: Social Media Meets Music

Ah, Tuesday. The day all the new albums come out. It’s a day I wait for every week for two reasons, the new music and the new Salty Waffle social media vocabulary. Today it’s all in one baby. Ping: Ping is a social network built within iTunes that is all about music. You can update…

Social Media Vocabulary: Fresh From Canada

Freshly back from from Whistler, I thought today’s edition of social media vocabulary should feature some interesting words they toss around in the Great White North. In particular, these are some of the most popular social networking sites in Canada. Go Maple Leafs! Club Penguin: Club Penguin is the first of a few different virtual world type…