Social Media Vocabulary: Pandora Edition

Well, its Tuesday, it’s time for social media vocabulary with Salty Waffle and since I’m going to go see the Avatar exhibit at the EMP, this social media vocabulary article is taking a trip to Pandora too! 1. Avatar: Not exactly like in the movie, but sort of. An avatar is a name or image that represents…

Social Butterfly: All About My Recent 5 Way

Let’s be honest, one-on-one is great, but who hasn’t thought about the college threesome or even an office foursome? I mean, get out your webcam right? OK, OK! Sorry, before this gets too much farther and I get into trouble, what I’m really talking about does involve multiple people and a webcam, but our activities…

Social Media Vocabulary: Authenticity Is Awesome

Every once in a while, someone or something will remind me to go back to speaking English. At Salty Waffle, we are immersed in the world of social media classes and we talk like it, especially with each other. Sometimes it takes some blank stares and funny looks to remind me that our vocabulary is…

5 Blogging Services Square Off For Best Uptime

If you are trying to start writing for the web, you may be looking around for the best blogging service out there. Content is the center of social media integration and without a good blog service, you can’t get that content out to your people. We use WordPress here at Salty Waffle, but that doesn’t…

The Power Of Thanks In Social Media And Life

Your parents always told you, remember ‘please and thank you’. Well, it turns out it isn’t just for the sake of others and good manners, but its also good for your health, your business, and your social media efforts. For a long time we have known that saying thank you strengthens relationships, improves mood, and…