Online Marketing: It’s All About U, and X Marks the Spot

Success is a simple formula: One part passion, one part ability. This is true in life, business, and today, your website. Think of your website in two parts, the user experience (UX) and the user interface (UI). The user interface is the technical side of the website; it is how a user physically interacts with…

What Can’t You Live Without? The Numbers That Tell Your Tale

We have talked a few times about resolutions being that it is a pretty fresh year still and today’s post might just be the most important one if you have some serious goals. Everyone has verying goals or resolutions, but a common trait amongst those with a vision: Numbers. What numbers do you need to…

For Your Resolutions: 5 Fun Fitness Apps

New Years is always a time for resolutions, goals, starting over, or rededicating. Fitness and health seem to be a popular trends in resolutions and is a goal for some of us here at Salty Waffle as well. We figured we weren’t the only ones interested in some apps to help out along the way…

15 Stages of Online Presence Evolution Through Social Media, Conclusion

Here it is! The final part of the 15 Stages of Evolution of the Online Presence Through Social Media. If you haven’t been following along, catch up with the first three parts here, here, and here if you missed them and let us know where you are at, we’ll meet you there. Read on for the exciting conclusion:…

The 6 Stages of Twitter Evolution

I saw this great post by Robert Swanwick, aka Swan, @spkrinteractive, @swanwick, or @twchat (definitely check him out, he has some great stuff)  about the stages people go through as they find Twitter and begin to use it. The stages were great, but we tweaked a few based on what we see happening in our social media…

I’m here to recruit YOU!

We are looking for amazing members to our stellar team. No social media experience necessary. An exclusive social media training session for accepted applicants only will be held on Saturday Dec. 11th 9am-5pm in Seattle. You do not have to live in Seattle to attend, streaming video will be available to those selected. You MUST be super…