Keep trying Google +: Engagement still not the same as Facebook or Twitter

Despite Google’s claim that the network is growing rapidly, a study came out showing the exact opposite. According to RJ Metrics, 30% of users who make a public post never do it again. They looked at the public posts from a population of 40,000 Google + users, but only one third was applicable to the…

Why Pinterest? Explosive Stats Part Two

Continuing from last time, Pinterest is the third largest social networking site and here are more amazing statistics so get ready to be amazed! According to Tamba, the average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes per visit. In addition, the average user spends 98 minutes per month on the site, compared to 2.5 hours on Tumblr,…

Why Pinterest? Explosive Stats Part One

Launched a little more than two years ago, Pinterest is now the third largest social networking site only behind Facebook and Twitter. It boasts 10.4 million members on its website. Now, we will explore why that is looking at some startling statistics. According to Experian, total visits in March were as follows: 1. Facebook: 7…

Facebook Engagement Increasing Contrary to Reuters Poll

There was a poll last week saying that one third of Facebook users are using it less than compared to 6 moths ago. There has been new stats that state the opposite.  Conducted by Reuters and research firm Ipsos, the survey gathered responses from 1,032 participants and found that 35% of users are using it less and…

Is Pinterest The Next Social Commerce Game Changer? #Infographic

Thanks again to our friends at Column Five Media for this great infographic on Pinterest. I know we’ve been talking about it a lot recently, but it deserves it. In fact, just yesterday we learned that Pinterest is actually driving more referral traffic than Twitter. Think about that for a second! That is crazy! We…