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We’re Not Pinterested

pinterest, social media
There isn't a whole lot of 'P' in Pinterest at the moment

Men! What’s going on? More than 80% of the Pinterest user base is made up of women! We all better catch up on this whole Pinterest thing. Why you ask? Well, the numbers are insane, historic actually. Pinterest is the fastest website to reach 10 million unique visitors. Ever. Ever. Think of sites like Etsy and Tumblr and yes, even Facebook. Pinterest is growing faster than any of them ever did. Ever.

Companies are already at work using Pinterest to market their content and it’s like the wild, wild west all over again. People and businesses are feverishly ‘pinning’ their corner of the Pinterest empire and why not? Check out these numbers and start getting creative on how you can use Pinterest to further engage your customers where they are. Look for classes on using Pinterest soon!

Thanks to a great article on ‘The Week’ for these very telling numbers.

  • 10.4 million – Registered Users
  • 1/5 users visit everyday
  • 97% of Pinterest’s Facebook fans are women
  • 9 million Facebook connected users
  • 11.7 million unique visitors in January 2012
  • 98 minutes per month users spend pinning