Is Your Retail Business Blog Flying Solo

Blogs can do wonders for your retail businesses. It is a proven tool that can help with your SEO, create brand awareness, and drive traffic to the check out button. This is all done by understanding the basics and how to properly construct a blog. If it’s tough to read or hard to find, blogs aren’t very beneficial. Low views will make writing a daunting task. This leads to lower quality content. Let’s get the most out of your blogs and brush up on the basics. blog, beginner blogging, social retail, retail marketing, social media, business

Research Your Keywords

It may be a little time consuming, but it’s great to know what you’re up against. Using Google Keywords to search for terms you’re interested in writing about will show you where you should be focusing your time. Look up ‘retail business’ or another phrase you’d like to populate. Look for words or phrases that less competition to increase your chances in finding the largest following.

Who Is Your Customer

At Salty Waffle we think defining your ideal customer is a great way to increase views and conversation from your blogs.

Ask yourself:

  1. What can I write about that will help them?
  2. Age, gender, income
  3. Best places to access your customers online
Create A Unique Voice
How can you stand out and make customers want to read and interact with your blogs. By creating a unique voice you’ll standout and quickly develop a following. Try a combination of blogging and vlogging (video blogging) to keep your audience guessing. If you give customers helpful information with your own writing slant, they’ll always be wanting more.