
Bible Pong: Share God’s Word With Your World

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media kids, social media family, social media gameTwo weeks ago we explored the benefits of social media site Just1Word. Now I would like to introduce you to a fun app they have made called Bible Pong. This app is a fun way to share scripture, tell others your views, and have fun in the process. As the Just1Word blogexplains this app is Part evangelism + part social networking + part game = total fun.They explain the app like so:“Pick your favorite verse or shake things up and a random one will be chosen for you. Add your comment, it can be serious, funny, encouraging or questioning it’s up to you, then serve it. Your serve will be received by a randomly selected person, who can then add their own comment and pass it on. You can watch your serve travel throughout the world. You will receive serves from around the globe too.”

This can be a fun social media game to get your church involved in while also spreading God’s encouraging Word.
The app can be downloaded and reviewed from iTunes. Here are some of the reviews:


What do you think about this social media game?

Check out more about how to game it up using social media by checking out this past Salty Waffle article.