
The Top 10 Productivity Apps for Business Professionals

Since today’s first post was all about how unproductive Monday’s and email can make us, we decided to try and cheer you up a little and show you some mobile goodies for increasing

Since today’s first post was all about how unproductive Monday’s and email can make us, we decided to try and cheer you up a little and show you some mobile goodies for increasing productivity. The descriptions and this top ten list are courtesy of developmentnow, one of our good friends out there in the blogoshpere. Take out that phone you love and try some of these awesome apps designed to make you more productive than ever!

1. EvernoteSpringpad Free

Use either of these programs to quickly file and sort all of the various bits of information you encounter daily with notes in the form of text, images, and voice recordings.

2. ListPro Free

ListPro is a pretty simple app that allows you to do just what the name suggests—create as many lists as you could ever want or need.

3. Calengoo $6.99

If you’re an iPhone owner that prefers to use Google Calendars to manage your schedule, this app is a must-have.  It allows you to access and edit your Google Calendars from your iOS device.  View your events for the month, the week or the day, and add tasks to be completed in the form of a checklist. (No Android alternative is necessary—the default calendar provides the same functionality and syncs with Google Calendars.  For a more advanced calendar app for Android, try Jorte—free).

4. Due $2.99

Due may actually be the simplest app ever created.  The program allows you to createtasks on the fly and schedule a reminder for later.  Perfect for ensuring that minor tasks are completed on time without the hassle of logging an item in your calendar.

5.  Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite $7.99

Access, modify and share your Microsoft Office suite documents, including PDF’s, Word Documents and Excel Spreadsheets.  Transfer files from your desktop to your mobile device and vice versa, and never be stuck without critical documents again.

6.  Read It Later Free

For anyone that does a lot of reading or researching on the job, this app is essential. Send articles and web pages directly to your mobile device with just one click.  This app eliminates the need to bookmark, or save browser tabs for later—just select pages that you want to view on your mobile device, and they’ll be ready and waiting for you within the app.

7. TripIt Free

If your job requires you to travel—at all—this app is absolutely indispensable.  Sign up and forward your flight confirmation, hotel reservation, rental car booking information—everything associated with your trip—to, and the app will create a detailed itinerary for you, storing all of your reservation information and details in a color coded, linear presentation format.

8. Dragon Dictation Free

The program converts speech into text, so you can dictate e-mails, text messages and more on the fly—and stop wasting your time pecking away on a miniature keyboard.

9.  Text’n Drive Free

T’n D converts text to speech, reading your text messages aloud so you’re free to do more important things—like beat the traffic to work!

10. LinkedIn Free

Social media is essential to business professionals, so what better app to close on than one that keeps you connected with your network?  Don’t attend another conference without this app, which allows you to instantly add new contacts to your network, and stay in contact while you’re out of the office.