
Social Media Waffle Side: Career For Trailing Spouses

Social media is a solution to individuals seeking non-location based careers. As I approached graduation this year, like most seniors, I began to freak out about what the future holds for me. Being

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media non location based job, social media need job, social media jobSocial media is a solution to individuals seeking non-location based careers. As I approached graduation this year, like most seniors, I began to freak out about what the future holds for me. Being a trailing spouse in the military didn’t help. I suddenly found myself needing to figure out what I am passionate about, an extremely difficult feat by itself, while also finding a way to continue my career while following my husband, a US Air Force medic, around the world. Initially I felt hopeless. However, God blessed me with the answer right when I needed it.

Nicole, founder of Baby Legs and Salty Waffle, came to speak at my entrepreneurship class three months before I graduated. That day, my eyes were opened to the possibilities that rest within social media. It is all about building authentic relationships with people and sharing our lives. In the midst of being blow away by this unknown source of sharing, Nicole mentioned an internship with the company. Life got even sweeter when she told me that I could work online from home. Then God put icing on the cake during my first training day when Nicole asked me to begin writing articles for faith based organizations. I couldn’t believe it! God fully took my prayer and worry, and sent the whole answer in a package from Salty Waffle – an internship full of possibilities to learn new interesting things while working from home. The best part is that the internship is centered on my passion: serving God by helping faith based organizations.

Social media has created a new career. One where people can still be successful, fulfilled, and highly social, while having the flexibility to work outside the walls of traditionalism. Praise God for answered prayers!