
Social Media: 3 Ways To Make IT Work For Your Retail Business

The most common excuse for retail businesses to not use social media is they “are too busy.” We know that you may work long, exhausting hours, but without it you may be working harder

The most common excuse for retail businesses to not use social media is they “are too busy.” We know that you may work long, exhausting hours, but without it you may be working harder than you need to. Social media is a better way for you  to expose your business quickly and efficiently than using traditional methods. These three tips will help you develop your social media plan that fits  your business model. We all know doing things twice takes more time than just doing it right the first media, social, media, retail, business,

Research The Competition

It’s good business practice to keep an eye on your competition. This is a great way to get leads on what social media tools are right for your retail business. Look at what others are using in your field and do a little research. Check out how many people ‘like’ their Facebook page, how many followers on Twitter, and what reviews they have on Yelp. With a little legwork you’ll see which ones are working and which ones to pass on.

Who Is Your Customer

Pretend you are the customer. Where would you be looking to find your business? Our social media classes can show you exactly who your perfect customer is and teach you the best ways to reach them. With this information, you can put your retail business in the areas that will attract the most attention.

Build Awareness

Let people know you exist. Traditional methods would be throwing expensive events to promote your business. Find your audience using Twitter Search using keywords and become an expert spokesperson in that field.

These 3 ideas will help your retail business in the wide world of social media. It has leveled the playing field for all retail businesses, and it’s time for yours to start letting it work for you!