
RocketHub: Launching Your Musical Career

Getting started in the music industry takes a large amount of time, dedication and financial investment.  While the first two may be difficult to maintain on a consistent basis, financial

Getting started in the music industry takes a large amount of time, dedication and financial investment.  While the first two may be difficult to maintain on a consistent basis, financial investment is easily the most challenging piece of the puzzle to complete.  Financial investment is also one of the most crucial and influential factors in determining whether or not you can make it in the music industry.  If a band can’t support itself financially then how are they supposed to finance and perform tours and shows?  Sometimes it just takes a little boost for artists to get the ball rolling.  That boost can be made possible by crowd funding websites such as RocketHub.

social media music blogging
RocketHub's logo.

RocketHub is a website and community that provides a launching pad for independent artists to propel their projects into success.  They provide most of their assistance through crowd funding in which they gather a small amounts of loans from a large number of people.  However, in addition to the financial assistance they provide through crowd funding they also assist aspiring artists through their LaunchPad Opportunities.  Launch Pad Opportunities allow for artists to submit their creative projects to be selected for additional tangible creative opportunities.

social media music blogging
RocketHub has a leader board to display creative projects investment progress.

The selected artists are given a chance to audition for the RocketHub team and, if they are selected, RocketHub will assist their projects by providing additional resources in order for their projects to be more successful.  The selection process for creative projects is determined by three factors: number of Facebook likes, submission materials and how well it fits into their creative opportunity.  LaunchPad Opportunities offer a very unique service that most other online funding websites do not offer, and this truly sets RocketHub apart from the pack.