
Negative Reviews: How They Can Help Your Retail Business

We live in an imperfect world, so your retail business is bound to receive negative reviews on one of your social media sites. With so many different review sites out there these days, it’s

We live in an imperfect world, so your retail business is bound to receive negative reviews on one of your social media sites. With so many different review sites out there these days, it’s difficult to keep track of who is saying what. When you do locate a bad review, being prepared to deal with it quickly might be the difference between keeping your clean image and losing your credibility. Treat each case as an opportunity to make your business stronger by learning the right way to take action.negative reviews, negative, reviews, business, retail business

Positive Retaliation

The last think you want to do is lash back. Read the review carefully and take a deep breath before you even think about starting to write a response. If you’ve built up an abundance of good reviews, this one shouldn’t harm your image much. The best way to resolve it is offline, via direct messaging (email or Facebook messaging) and then ask them to write an update review. You’ll gain respect from other viewers by handing the situation individually and resolving the problem quickly.

Leave it alone

My mom always told me not to pick my scabs or else I would never heal. As tempting as it may be, don’t delete the review. Bad reviews build character and if users start seeing bad reviews disappearing, you’ll lose credibility. If the reviewer is stuck to their write-up, time to move on and gain more positive reviews to move the bad one down the ladder. By applying ointment, the scab will heal by itself over time.

Google Alerts

The quicker you find these reviews, the higher chance you can resolve them. On a daily basis check Google Alerts to notify you when people have reviewed your business. Customers like it when they know the business is ready to cater to them. Offer to do whatever it takes to get the issue resolved.