wide shot documentary photo woman hiking the appalachian trail

Can AI Resurrect Your Great-Uncle Bob? Ethical and Technological Implications

Hey there! We’re here to spice up your inbox with the latest news in artificial intelligence and marketing. But first, our next Applied AI cohort is starting MAY 21st!! Register now for this

Hey there! We’re here to spice up your inbox with the latest news in artificial intelligence and marketing. But first, our next Applied AI cohort is starting MAY 21st!! Register now for this in-depth 10-week course that previous students have called, “life-changing”, “transformative,” and “eye-opening!”

Join us during our mastermind sessions on Wednesdays at 5 PM EST/2 PM PST. Snag this exclusive complimentary 3-month pass just for you: AI Unplugged Mastermind Group. Tonight’s featured guest is Cailin DeCort from Jasper AI! 

This Week’s Insights 📰 

AI Won’t Replace Your Job – But Someone Who Knows How to Use It WIll

In today’s fast-paced job market, mastering AI is not just cool—it’s essential. Laurence Liew from AI Singapore pointed out during a Salesforce event that those who know their way around AI could actually edge out those who don’t. This means even the big bosses are now opting for newbies with AI skills over the more seasoned pros without them. It’s clear, getting cozy with AI isn’t just a smart move, it’s necessary to stay in the game. So, if you want to keep up, it’s time to get tech-savvy fast!

The Ethical Minefield of AI Resurrecting Your Great-Uncle Bob

Welcome to the eerie edge of tech, where reviving your great-uncle Bob is just a click away! Thanks to the wonders of AI, digital resurrections aren’t just for sci-fi anymore. Ethicists Tomasz Hollanek and Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska, using “design fiction,” are diving deep into this not-so-dead topic. They warn that while anyone with decent Wi-Fi might soon whip up a chatbot from Grandpa’s old emails, we might not be ready for the ghostly group chats that follow. They’re pushing for tight rules to protect both the living and the digitally revived, because, let’s face it, getting spam from beyond the grave could really haunt your inbox.

Hoffman Squared

Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder and venture capitalist recently interviewed himself—or rather, his AI twin! This virtual doppelgänger, trained on two decades of Hoffman’s own musings, turned a simple chat into a deep dive on ethics, AI regulation, and how digital twins might just be the next big thing in human connection. They even touched on the juicy bits of a business pivot at Inflection AI, where emotional intelligence meets tech wizardry. 

Pay to Play Social Media?

Paying for social media: a new twist or a nuisance? As platforms like X and Meta dabble in subscription models, users are weighing in. Some enjoy fewer ads and the ability to edit posts—small comforts that seemingly justify the price tag. Yet, the question lingers: does forking over cash enhance our social media diet, or does it simply season it with exclusivity? This evolving trend reflects a broader push towards monetization in a market bursting at the seams, prompting us to ponder if the perks are truly worth the price. The recent backlash against Meta’s new paid features had creators in a tizzy. And the value of that coveted blue checkmark seems to have completely fizzled away now that you have to pay for it. 

Sci-Fi Writer J.G. Ballard’s Computer Poems Paved the Way for ChatGPT

Back in the 70s, sci-fi maverick J.G. Ballard was experimenting with computers to write poetry. Based on a feeling of “something odd going on” he wanted to explore this world where computers generated ideas and brainstormed stories. The excitement around LLMs like ChatGPT is reminiscent of what Ballard accomplished. Instead of poetry being penned it is programmed. Each entry in the 1972 and 1974 collections features a title, author, and six lines of poetry. These entries follow a structured format where random words fill in predefined blanks. For instance, the first line of each poem is constructed by the computer filling in a templated phrase: “THE (BLANK) OF THE (BLANK) (BLANKED) THE (BLANK).”

Ballard’s work not only questioned the essence of human creativity but also threw a spotlight on the eerie precision with which machines mimicked or perhaps even mocked human artistry. Fast forward to today, and the techno-poetic ventures of the 70s have morphed into sophisticated LLMs that generate anything and everything from haunting melodies to striking visual arts. Since teaching AI to our students, we’ve heard the sentiment that AI writing is soulless, over and over again. As a group of highly creative people, we don’t believe AI should be used to replace creative tasks. The creative process is what brings many of us fulfillment and joy. We should use AI like Grandma bakes her legendary cookie recipe: by sticking to a tried-and-true formula while adding that special, secret ingredient for a dash of magic. This way, AI isn’t just a cold, calculated tool with soulless outputs. Instead, it’s a customizable assistant that can surprise and delight us, enhancing outcomes while maintaining our authenticity. Ballard’s computer poems may have predicted the future of writing, but we can be the ones to ensure that humans don’t get removed from human activities. 

AI Lab Visual Vault 🖼️

Use Case: Creating images using different types of film in the prompts to lessen that immediately noticeable AI look. Having trouble finding a film stock or not sure the name? Check out these lists: 


Filmstock used:

Kodak Vision3 500T
Lomography Lomochrome Purple
Yodica Polaris 100
Cinestill 800T

Tools We Used This Week 🧰

Jasper AI – Used for unique copywriting, stay organized as a team, and create a Knowledge Base for your all your writing needs. Also, one of our sponsors for our Summer Applied AI Course for College Students!

Midjourney – Develop creative assets that can be used for a variety of internal and external purposes

Gamma.app – An incredible presentation creator. One of our favorite tools and another sponsor for our Summer Applied AI Course for College Students!

Don’t forget to mark those calendars! 📅
We’ve extended the deadline to June 13 for applications to the Applied AI Summer Program! Submit your application to be accepted!  This program is custom-built for college students, fresh grads, and young marketers and guess what…. IT’S FREE. Forward this email or share the application link with college students and young marketing pros looking to gain an edge in AI and Marketing!

Join the Conversation  🔊

This isn’t just about sending newsletters into the void—we’re building a lively hub here. If you’ve got insights itching for daylight, questions that stump the wise, or ideas that buzz louder than a caffeinated bee, send them flying to info@aismartmarketing.com. Your contributions are the fuel for our content engine, driving us to enlighten and inspire.

See you in the Lab!

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