person kayaking with a breathtaking view of a dramatic sky, ai generated image, teal and pink colors

Wearable AI and Pocket Companions Worth the Hype?

As the months start to heat up the closer we get to summer, so is the world of AI. We’ve got the freshest tips, tricks, and updates to keep you quenched! This Week’s Insights 📰  PwC’s

As the months start to heat up the closer we get to summer, so is the world of AI. We’ve got the freshest tips, tricks, and updates to keep you quenched!

This Week’s Insights 📰 

PwC’s AI Leap as OpenAIs First ChatGPT Enterprise Reseller

PwC is amping up its AI game by teaming up with OpenAI to roll out ChatGPT Enterprise in the US and UK. As the first reseller and biggest user of ChatGPT Enterprise, PwC is weaving this tool into their audit, tax, and consulting services. They’re using it for tasks like reviewing tax returns, whipping up proposals, assisting in software lifecycles, and crafting dashboards and reports. PwC is tackling tough business problems thanks to OpenAI and boost productivity. The article says, “In fact, our recently launched AI Jobs Barometer found that sectors most exposed to AI are experiencing nearly 5X higher labor productivity growth than sectors less exposed to AI.”

Google Rethinking AI Search

Can I get a pizza with some extra glue please? Google’s AI Overviews just blew up in its face with some hilariously wrong answers. Last week, if you asked Google how to keep cheese from sliding off pizza, it might have told you to add glue to your sauce—nontoxic, of course. Or that Barack Obama was the first Muslim president, or even that eating rocks is a good idea. These wild responses were part of Google’s rollout of AI Overviews, designed to answer search queries in plain language. But instead of enhancing the search experience, it turned into a PR nightmare. Google admits these bizarre answers are rare, but the damage was done. They’re now tightening the reins, limiting the types of searches that get AI summaries and scrubbing the most egregious errors. Despite the mess, Google insists the majority of AI Overviews are accurate, but this debacle shows just how tricky it is to automate search. 

Is Data Hungry Tech Draining Our Grid?

AI’s growing appetite for data is set to massively increase energy demands, with predictions showing it could require more power than previously thought. According to a new report by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), data centers powering advanced AI models like ChatGPT could account for up to 9.1% of the US’s overall energy demand by 2030, up from 4% today. Why the spike? AI models need a ton of juice—about 10 times more than a typical Google search. And it’s not just a US thing; global energy demand for data centers could double by 2026. Most of this power will come from fossil fuels, making it even harder to cut down on carbon emissions. So, while AI is getting smarter, our energy grid better keep up—or we’re in for some serious power struggles.

Wearable AI and Pocket Companions

Wearable AI and pocket companions are the latest buzz, with innovative gadgets like Humane’s Pin, the Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses, and Rabbit leading the charge. These devices are set to revolutionize how we interact with technology, offering Star Trek inspired features right at our fingertips—or on our clothes. Humane’s Pin clips to your clothing, providing instant access to AI assistance, while Meta’s Glasses bring smart functionality to your eyewear, integrating features like augmented reality and voice commands seamlessly into your daily routine. Rabbit takes a different approach with a sleek, pocket-sized AI companion that you can carry everywhere. These tools promise to make AI more accessible and integrated into our daily lives, enhancing everything from productivity to entertainment. But are they really living up to the hype?

Andrea recently took the Humane Pin for a test drive and here’s what she had to say: “After waiting for 6 months to receive it, I was definitely disappointed. The marketing and the promise of what it could do sold me, but turned out to be a list someday features. What it is today out of the box was not enough for me to warrant the cost of the pin itself and the ongoing subscription for use. I still believe in the Human AI Pin and will keep my eye on it for version 2.0+. Willing to try again.”

Nicole has been putting the Meta glasses to use. “The glasses are great to take pics with and listen to my books or take calls while walking around. The AI parts don’t really work yet.” This video review is a pretty solid comparison of the three tools and the state of this type of technology. I think we can all agree we want the convenience of technology without the burden of being glued to a screen all day and while some of these aren’t where we’d like them to be, this is just the first step in hopefully, a promising future of wearable technology that allows us to be, a bit more human!

AI Lab Visual Vault 🖼️

Learn how to structure your prompt to get better outputs. Here is an example of an Unstructured Prompt:

Example: breathtaking view of a serene lake at sunset with a kayaker paddling, teal and pink colors –s 200

The image is good, but Midjourney took its own liberty with the medium.

generated AI art of a person kayaking on a serene lake at sunset teal and pink colors

We can refine the prompt a bit more.

Example: breathtaking view of a serene lake at sunset with a kayaker paddling, teal and pink colors, photograph –s 200

generated AI photograph of a person kayaking on a serene lake at sunset teal and pink colors

The image is getting better but if we use a structured prompt we have more control over what the output is going to look like.

Here’s a sample of a Structured Prompt Format:

Example: stunning kayaker paddling on a serene lake, vibrant sunset colors, Canon EOS 5D, shallow depth of field, golden hour lighting, teal and pink colors, dramatic sky –s 200

generated AI photograph of a person kayaking on a serene lake at sunset teal and pink colors, shallow depth of field, dramatic sky

See the difference?

When you use an Unstructured Prompt your images will likely fall flat, lack dimension, and fine details. Midjourney guesses at what those details should be. By using a Structured Prompt you gain control back. Here’s an example of the format for a Structured Prompt so you can fill in the blanks.

Structured: [adjective/description] [subject], [location/setting], [additional elements], [camera/or medium], [depth of field], [lighting], [additional effects] — [parameter]

You can also adjust this to your own liking because words toward the front of the prompt are generally going to be weighted heavier than words at the back! Now go have fun!

Tools We Used This Week 🧰

Opus – Chop up your long form videos into short form videos that can be shared via social media.

Instantly – Get more leads with cold email outreach automation!

Echo Jockey – The fastest way to find, pitch, and get booked on podcasts. Use code AISMART30 to get +30% more pitches per month!

Join the Conversation  🔊

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See you in the Lab!

The AI Smart Team