
How to Get a Celebrity to Follow You on Twitter

Are you one of those Tweeters who joined Twitter and made a pretty profile simply to connect with your newest celebrity crush? Then look no further, I am about to share with you the latest and

Are you one of those Tweeters who joined Twitter and made a pretty profile simply to connect with your newest celebrity crush? Then look no further, I am about to share with you the latest and greatest tricks to help you improve upon your celebrity Twitter etiquette and even maybe get you a follow from your most coveted star.

1)      Find an Obtainable Celeb

I have to break it to you; a lot of celebrities take to twitter because it is a highly effective promotional tool. These individuals are not looking to follow you, and 99% most likely never will. Take @LeoDiCaprio for example who has 1,968,674 followers and only follows 83. Sadly, Leo will not reciprocate your follow, so don’t waste your time. Try and find a celeb whose number of follows is above 1,000. You may want to shift your focus onto someone such as @justinbieber who has 17,032,430 followers and is following 120,908. These numbers show that the Biebs takes the time to acknowledge his fellow “Beliebers.”

2)      Stand Out Among the Rest

Now don’t get too carried away with this one and become obsessive, creepy or desperate but instead infuse flavour, wit and a sense of personality into your tweets when reaching out to a celeb. Do your very own research and find out what your celeb’s interests are and see if you have anything in common that you can tweet to them about. Everyone likes a bit of an ego stroke, so why not let them know how much you enjoyed their latest album, movie, or tv episode. After all you are a fan, so why not prove it!

3)      It’s All About the Timing

Now this is one of the most important rules to take into account when trying to grab your celebs attention. Once you’ve followed your superstar, start to track the time in which they often tweet. When you notice your celebrity has just tweeted, it is your golden opportunity to tweet them and get noticed! If you don’t get noticed the first time, don’t give up, third time’s a charm.

Now that I have shared with you the ins and outs of celebrity Twitter etiquette, I wish you luck in all your tweeting endeavours!