
Free Your Mind and The Rest Will Follow

This morning I must take a walk, there is so much to do before the big event tomorrow night, my brain is stuffed. Walking clears your head and makes room for the kind of thinking one should be

This morning I must take a walk, there is so much to do before the big event tomorrow night, my brain is stuffed. Walking clears your head and makes room for the kind of thinking one should be doing. When you sit at my computer all day without this 30-60 min. clearing session you can feel drained and less inspired.

After a walk, you get a new perspective on your work. It becomes fun and sometimes scary when you realize that you’ve been going in the wrong direction and must change course.

Take a walk indoors or out, let your mind wander where it will, note what comes to the forefront of your thoughts. I like to walk with my iPhone streaming my favorite Pandora station. If there’s something that I don’t want to forget, I use an app called Jott that records my voice and then emails my message to me or anybody in my contacts.

Walking can be your time to meditate, relax, process, think, brainstorm, tune in, or even tune out. Whatever you mind is doing, pay attention, and get moving!