
Corporate Social Media Site

Yesterday somebody asked me how many people we had working at Salty Waffle doing our Social Media and content production. When I told them that we had 4 members of our main team and that we worked

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Yesterday somebody asked me how many people we had working at Salty Waffle doing our Social Media and content production. When I told them that we had 4 members of our main team and that we worked with dozens of social authors to provide content for our customers he looked shocked. “You site doesn’t look corporate.” he said. I replied “We produce a lot of content (articles) to show our customers what we do, content is our product so we feature it front and center.” If we were Boeing we might have pretty pictures of airplanes, but we are not, and what we do is write and teach others to write well for the web.

If you are clear about who you are to your customers you can come up with your own great content to fill books that your customers would be interested in reading. Give them something to come back for, engage your customers professionally and personally and they will come back.

From a purely SEO perspective when you include your key words often in fresh content your site will begin to bubble up on the organic search rankings. You can then tweet links to your articles, post them on Linkedin and Facebook and start to generate more buzz for your biz.

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