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DEC 8, 2012 Blog
How the Internet Has Affected Our Brains!

Our brains adapt constantly to the environment and surroundings we’re in.  So, in this “techno”

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NOV 30, 2012 Blog
Who is more social? Android users or iPhone users?

In a contest that we ran for one of our clients, we pitted Android phones

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NOV 22, 2012 Blog
Black Friday or Cyber Monday

Or will you shop both? I got my first Black Friday email w/coupon code yesterday

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NOV 17, 2012 Blog
The Users of Social Media

Just who uses social media, and which sites do they use? The following infographic helps

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NOV 16, 2012 Blog
How influential is Social Media on Holiday Shopping?

With the holiday season upon us, companies and social media marketers are wondering just how

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NOV 9, 2012 Blog
10 Tips Businesses Need to Follow for their Online Reputation Management

10 Tips Businesses Need to Follow for their Online Reputation Management   The businesses need to maintain

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NOV 9, 2012 Blog
App of the Week: Angry Birds Star Wars

Angry Birds has done it again! They’ve released what’s sure to be another chart topping

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NOV 5, 2012 Blog
The ROI of Social Media

Social media marketing is a relatively new phenomenon and people are still figuring out how

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NOV 1, 2012 Blog
Hurricane Sandy Increases Traffic on Salty Waffle

by 1,000%! Yep, newsjacking at it finest. The posts are authentic, I was there in

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OCT 30, 2012 Blog
Post Hurricane Sandy

Here are some pics from the meatpacking Dist this morning. No power or water so

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OCT 30, 2012 Blog
Grow Your Business Using Social Media Seminar

The effects of social media are everywhere as business owners looking to grow their operations

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OCT 30, 2012 Blog
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath

This morning we still have no power or water. In the pic below notice the

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