
Bartering Today-What’s it Worth?

Our Saturday started at 6 AM with a walk down to Alki Beach. Sara decided to pick 3 strawberries from our garden to take with her to eat. She ate one on the way down, then scootered for a couple of

Our Saturday started at 6 AM with a walk down to Alki Beach. Sara decided to pick 3 strawberries from our garden to take with her to eat. She ate one on the way down, then scootered for a couple of miles before stopping with an idea.

“I’m hungry, let’s go to the bakery and trade these strawberries for a cranberry muffin,” Sara said with such pride in her idea. My first instinct was to tell her just to eat the strawberries and we’ll buy a muffin, but I paused for the right response.

So, I said, “okay, let’s see what happens”, and off we went.

Sara was so excited as we walked in the door. She went up to the nose high counter, pulled out her little strawberries, plopped them on the counter, and told the young man that she wanted to trade two strawberries from her garden for a cranberry muffin. I looked at him, he looked at me and then back at Sara…”Sure” he said “sounds like a good trade to me.”

We both thanked him and then went over to the table. Sara proceeded to tell everybody around her about this trade. I love to watch her grow, the creativity of the idea, the courage to approach an adult over a huge counter, and the success of her efforts make my heart full.

She has the skills to get what she wants or at very least the courage to ask and face the possibilities.

She was as proud of her trade as I was.

You’ll never know if you can get what you want unless you  are willing to ask for it.