Our regional real estate client Henry’s Home Investments sought to grow their business both geographically and financially. We’ll start by defining a Customer Avatar, then we’ll outline the process of creating a customer avatar, and ultimately how it affected user engagement for Henry’s.
What is a Customer Avatar?
A Customer Avatar (CA) is a fictional persona that is comprised of the characteristics and traits of your business’ quintessential customer. CA data includes:
- Age
- School(s) Attended
- Education level
- Family Size
- Gender
- Hobbies
- Marital Status
- Profession
- Essentially the CA is a distillation of the traits of your previous customers, which is used to understand your business’ average and best customer.
- Increase brand visibility across social media channels.
- Increase user engagement across social media channels.
- Increase communication with current investors.
- Generate interest from investors.
- Compiled readily available personal data from Henry’s list of current and past investors.
- Conducted additional social media research on top investors
- Sorted the data into clusters to help us understand the attributes and characteristics of the average investor.
- Created a social media content plan based on the results of our data and research, which specifically included Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
- Engagement increased exponentially across all four channels, with a 312% increase across all channels.
- Organic post reach increased by 9%.
- Biggest rate of relative engagement increase occurred on Twitter, with a 12300% increase, followed by LinkedIn (633% increase) and Facebook (289% increase).
Engagement Change Infographics

- Data were pulled using Salty Waffle Social Media Management tool.
- Results are from June 1st, 2018 through August 1st, 2018.
- Social media content plan was implemented on June 22nd, 2018.
- Henry’s Home Investments is a pseudonym for an actual Salty Waffle client. But you probably already knew that. 😀
The CA is used to help businesses target new customers based on what kind of customer historically has purchased your product. Of course, such information can be used to target the same demographics in new regions. The information can also be used to determine which demographics your business is not currently reaching, which can be used as a starting point for future customer research. Beyond reach, data from your CAs can help you improve your CX, which builds customer retention. For more on CX, check out our previous posts about the relationship between CX and branding, and CX and customer journey. We’re something of experts on CX and CS here at Salty Waffle; if you’re looking to improve your CX and increase your audience, let’s chat.