
Make Your Retail Business Stick Out Like The R Gruppe

Recently I was offered the opportunity to join the R Gruppe on one of their monthly drives. I couldn’t pass it up given any 911 enthusiast would do just about anything to be apart of this

Recently I was offered the opportunity to join the R Gruppe on one of their monthly drives. I couldn’t pass it up given any 911 enthusiast would do just about anything to be apart of this club. See, the R Gruppe is a small number of guys specializing in restoring 1960’s and 70’s 911’s. These recreated, road going rockets make their presence unforgettable. Anywhere they go their cars are burned into your memory, whether it be the exotic pitch of their high-revving engines or the smell of gas dumping into their carburetors. This awesome experience got me thinking, how can your retail business stick out like an ‘R Gruppe’ car in a sea full of ‘regular’ Porsches?

retail business, social media, retail, business, R gruppe
Time to make your retail business stick out like the R Gruppe

Turn Ordinary into Extraordinary

How are you unique compared to the competition? Giving customers reasons to believe your retail business offers something other don’t is an easy way to drive up sales. Create added value with creative pictures and descriptions. Getting a reaction, even if it’s just a smile, can put a lasting image in your customers brain. Adding emotion is a great way to increase sales.

Keyword Rich SEO

Positioning your keywords correctly will increase search ranking. On blogs, make sure to put keywords within the first 3 sentences. Better yet, include them in the title for even better results. Keywords also need to be placed throughout your website to increase your SEO.


Building links from other sites will drive additional traffic your way. Beware that not all links are created equal. Highly popular, trusted sites that link to your site give you more credibility and increase your site ranking.

I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to own a R Gruppe 911, but luckily your retail business can be built into a eye-catching platform today!