
Social Media Waffle Side: Using Social Media To Fireproof Your Marriage.

Social media can be used to perform the Love Dare! I recently came across a wonderful article by SpouseBUZZ, a blogging site dedicated to military spouses. In their article, The 40 Day Deployment

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media marriage, social media fireproof, fireproof, fireproof marriageSocial media can be used to perform the Love Dare! I recently came across a wonderful article by SpouseBUZZ, a blogging site dedicated to military spouses. In their article, The 40 Day Deployment Dare, they talk about the book The Love Dare and how it has been changed into a 40 day deployment dare. A dare that has modified for a couple who is apart. This “dare” is meant to help a military couple fireproof their marriage. The idea of fireproofing your marriage comes from the movie Fireproof. It refers to strengthening your marriage by doing things for each other as outlined in the daily dares. People are learning to “fireproof” their marriage from “fires” such as divorce, fights, temptations to cheat, etc.

I wish I had known about this dare sooner because I most definitely would have done it with my husband during his first deployment (luckily he is now home!). We plan to do the original love dare starting in August to help our marriage with reintegration (adjusting back to daily life after going through a deployment).

For those of you planning on doing the dare for a relationship where you are not with your spouse try the 40 Day Deployment Dare by using social media. Yes, phone, letters, and email do work for most of these things… but how fun do you think it would be for you spouse to receive a video of you telling them your dare by using YouTube.

For example, on Day 9 the dare is to “greet your spouse today, by email or phone, with enthusiasm and a “smile.” However, you can use social media to do one better! On YouTube, record a video of yourself talking to your spouse about what is going on in your life (and don’t forget to smile!). If you don’t want this video to be for public view, you can make it private in your settings.  Once uploaded, you can share the video in a private message on Facebook by pasting the http address into your message.

To learn more about social media sites that can help connect check out this past Salty Waffle article.