
20 Free Ways To Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts

Twitter just keeps growing in the social media world and as it becomes more and more responsible for information sharing on the web, individuals and businesses are taking note. If you happen to be

Twitter just keeps growing in the social media world and as it becomes more and more responsible for information sharing on the web, individuals and businesses are taking note. If you happen to be one of those lucky people managing multiple Twitter accounts either for different blogs, your business, or a combination of personal and business ones, we have a treat for you.

At Salty Waffle, we are always looking around for the latest applications and today, we’re sharing the Top 20 free options for managing multiple accounts. Twitter apps are all about taste (we even all use different ones amongst ourselves here at the Waffle!), so check these out and find the ones that fits you best. If you need help getting your Twitter or broader social media integration efforts off the ground, let us know, we would love to help.

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These are all completely free or have free options, allow posting to multiple accounts, and are ranked in no particular order. Features vary and their focuses range from full-on brand management to just simple multi-tweet and scheduling interfaces. Let us know which one you decide on or are already using. We want to know what you like or don’t like about the ones you have tried and why one or the other has become your personal favorite.

If you haven’t settled yet, sample away!

  1. Tweethoppertweet, twitter
  2. MediaFunnel (TweetFunnel)
  3. TwitVance
  4. Brizzly
  5. TwitIQ
  6. Buzzom
  7. SocialOomphsocial media, salty waffle
  8. Splitweet
  9. Seesmic
  10. Tweetdeck
  11. Twhirltwitter, tweet, multiple
  12. Tweetie for Mac
  13. Digsby
  14. Hootsuite
  15. Dynamic Tweets
  16. Taweet
  17. Twaitter
  18. Cotweettwitter
  19. Nambu
  20. Tweet3